20 November 2009

NaKnitMo and Stuff

It seems I haven't updated my blog at all this month. The Crappy Stash Yarn Elimination Blanket is coming along quite nicely. I'd say I'm nearly halfway finished with it. I'd take a picture of it, but I'm in the middle of a row, so I can't lay it flat. Overall, I haven't had any major problems with it. Right now I'm having a problem where something is messed up but I can't figure out where. I think I have somehow gained two stitches in a previous row. I doubt I'll actually go back two rows to fix it because I really don't care that much, like I did with my first blanket. I'll just cheat and no one will ever notice. I've got a few other rows like that. No big deal. It's a blanket. Who's going to actually go through and analyze every stitch?

I am participating in NaKnitMo on Ravelry this month. It's pretty much knitting's answer to NaNoWriMo. My goal is 30,000 stitches. I'm currently up to 23,357 stitches. I probably would have already reached my goal had Dragon Age: Origins not been released and taken nearly two weeks out of my knitting, aside from a couple rows here and there. I finished the game though and won't get involved with a new one (I already started one) until the end of the month. Maybe I shouldn't get involved until after Christmas since I have a lot of gift knitting planned that I haven't even started on!  Plus, waiting will make the game better, since even though I'm playing differently, much of it will still be the same.

Speaking of games, I am incredibly thrilled that Final Fantasy XIII is being released on March 9. I've been waiting for years, so it's exciting to have a release date (and at least a month earlier than I thought it was going to be!).

I should get to work now. There are many more things I've been wanting to write about (non-knitting things even) but I will have to save that for later.

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